Junk Post!!!

It has been only 4 weeks into the semester, and I can hardly find any time to breathe. And of course, with the increased pressure of meeting deadlines I again sulked back into spending more time on Facebook (the very negative-reason why i decide to blog in the first place) and especially on Farmville (now that they have started allowing people you are not FB-friends with to become FV-neighbors, my farm can’t stop growing, and that is sooo much fun!!!). But I can’t allow my blog to be DEAD, again! I already have like 6 followers in a month, I can’t let that go to waste for nothing 😀

So here’s a short blog about the fun things @work this week:

1. My lab mate and friend, Brent,  showed me this extremely funny video on pinata yesterday . I had no idea what a pinata was before, and now I can’t get enough of watching this video every now and then. (WARNING: If you have high blood pressure, low bladder control, food in your mouth, or you are in a library, you must exercise self-control and not watch this video at any cost. Of course, any stomach ache, cheek pain and other effects of uncontrollable laughter are not my responsibility;)

2. Confession: I’m like a total Google Chrome person. Judge me if you want to, but for me no other web browser beats it. So when I get extremely bored I go over the chrome web store and try out the awesome stuff there. While doing this yesterday, I stumbled upon this really kewl application – the Webcam Toy by Paul Neave. For a self photo enthusiast like me it’s definitely a big discovery (and of course a big waste of time).  It has been 2 days, and I can’t get enough of it. If you have Chrome, try it out for yourself. I’m sure you’ll love it. Down below is a sample of what it can do…

PS: I didn’t want to bore you guys again with my own snaps, so I have kept the snap sizes as small as i could make them. I promise this is the last time I’m posting “self-clicked images of me” this month!! Please please don’t get bored 😀

2 thoughts on “Junk Post!!!

  1. Hmm… Pinata… isn it some crackers? Will have to check that out. 🙂 By the way, don’t use too many of those Apps at the same time.. like don’t keep all of em installed a once… whether u run em or not they are real memory hoggers… cute as they are they eat a lot.. 😛

What do you think?!!